Office Facts
We are conveniently located in Suburban Northwest Austin in the Galleria Oaks Shopping Center. Our 183 Office sales associates take pride in providing superior service to the ever-growing North, Northwest and Suburban areas. These areas feature a wide variety of housing, with homes ranging from the low $100’s to those exceeding one million. We are a full-service office open seven days a week and offer a wide range of specialties, including new construction, resale homes, commercial and investment properties.
Coldwell Banker United, Realtors13376 Research Blvd. Suite #125
Austin, Texas 78750
Residential and Commercial servicesBuyer and Seller Representation
New homes - both existing and custom built
Resale homes
Investor Counseling
Investment properties - single and multi-family
Short sales and bank foreclosures
HUD foreclosures
Mortgage Services - FHA/VA and Conventional loans
School Districts Served:
Austin Independent School DistrictLeander Independent School District
Round Rock Independent School District
Area Private Schools
Primary Service Areas:
North and Northwest Austin, Cedar Park, Leander, and Round RockOffice Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 4:00 / Sunday 10:00 - 4:00The agents are routinely available outside those hours, and they are happy to provide information on area listings as well as a tour of the area.
Cara Cone
Office Administration/BookkeepingOur office provides a stable, supportive environment for the agents. Contributing to that stability and support is Cara Cone, who has been my "right hand" for just over 23 years. Her primary responsibility is to see that the transaction paperwork is complete and that the agents are paid quickly and accurately. Cara and I work closely together in looking at ways to make each agent more effective in their real estate career.
Cara's favorite thing in the office is a prompt, complete transaction file. Outside the office, it would have to be her grandson in Colorado!

Richard Gallegos
Asst. Admin./Tech SupportRichard is the newest member of our staff. He keeps track of the office listing inventory as well as technology issues. Our technology needs are expanding, and are currently focused in three areas: an ever-expanding array of Coldwell Banker tools for the agents; keeping the Coldwell Banker websites updated, agent marketing and social media. Richard works alongside the agents on their Company profile pages, helps with property brochures and supports their social media efforts. Richard is a Notary and has a degree from the University of Texas in Radio/TV and Film - which can be a major asset to the agents.

Melanne Bohanan
Receptionist/Internet Lead CoordinatorMelanne has been our cheerful and professional Receptionist for 11 years. She greets agents, vendors and clients alike - making each one feel welcome as she addresses their needs. With a wide range of responsibilities beyond incoming calls, Melanne helps with office appointments, the monthly phone schedule and keeps the agents advised when incoming faxes or deliveries arrive. She is also in charge of monitoring a growing number of Internet leads, and keeping me and the agents advised on their status. In addition to grandkids, Melanne enjoys listening to jazz with friends.

Contact me with your questions about real estate or about my office.
I'm always happy to visit with you.
I'm always happy to visit with you.